return & exchange

Can I exchange the product? 

Sorry, we do not offer direct exchanges on oona products.


Can I cancel or change my order?

We are sorry that we cannot modify your order once it has been confirmed. 

If you need to cancel your order, please email us at as soon as possible with your full name and order number. We will try our best to accommodate stop the order, however, this is not guaranteed.


What should I do when I received incorrect or damaged products? 

If your oona package arrives different from your order, please email us immediately at Please include photos of your packing slip and any damage. 

Please also provide the following information for our confirmation of exchange:

  • Order number
  • Item(s) to be returned
  • Reason for the return


  • Customers should bear the shipping cost for returning the item to oona and be responsible for the safety of the delivery.
  • Original shipping costs cannot be refunded.​
  • We do not accept returns or exchanges on international orders and shipments.
  • oona is not responsible for lost or stolen packages, duties and fees required by customs and cannot ship out replacement packages. 
  • oona assumes no responsibility for any mistyped delivery address when an order is placed
  • The followings are not eligible for returns/exchange
    • Any items reported after 7 days from the date of receiving
    • Items being opened or used
    • Items having, but not limited to, the trace of scent, cigarette, perfume,       stain on packaging,
    • Items that have been damaged intentionally including, but not limited to, damaged packaging,  washing damages, even if the item was defective upon arrival,
    • Items that has no record of purchase on our official website
    • All goods returned without previous notice or in spite of return denial by our Customer Service team will not be accepted